Stirling Council Manifesto 2017 – Housing & Utilities

We all want a warm, safe, secure home.  But there are not enough of them. Scotland’s housing shortage has turned into a housing crisis under the SNP Government.  But Labour doesn’t turn away from problems; we do all that we can to fix them.  There is much still to do, but in the last five years Labour have:

CREATED 300 new council homes and 114 mid-market rental properties.

WORKED in partnership with Housing Associations to deliver the right properties in the right locations.

ENSURED all communities across the district are included in our house building strategy.

INSISTED that all new homes have been built to the highest energy performance standards, ensuring lower bills for Stirling’s families.

INSULATED existing council homes (and the private homes that need it the most) to reduce bills and alleviate fuel poverty.

INSTALLED 1500 solar panels on council homes, helping tackle fuel poverty.

SECURED the latest stage of the Raploch regeneration, with planning permission granted in 2017 for 400 new homes.

In the next five years we will:

CREATE more council homes in the next five years than we did in the last five years.

ALWAYS consider the changing needs of residents.   We’ll build the homes that are the right size and in the right place.

INVEST in our existing council housing stock to ensure they are warm, safe and secure.

ENSURE tenants are always put first and that landlords live up to their obligations.

MAINTAIN limits on the number of HMOs (Houses of Multiple Occupancy) in any one community.

INSIST that the builders we work with treat their employees ethically, pay them properly and support apprenticeship schemes.

CONTINUE our programme of insulating the homes that need it most and work tirelessly to eradicate fuel poverty.

Put PRESSURE on the Scottish Government to overhaul the planning system to put more power in the hands of our local communities, not in the hands of developers or distant government bureaucrats.

We will COMMIT to investigating the creation of a municipal energy company to provide locally produced green energy with lower costs, fixed for longer periods.

We will WORK towards a fast broadband service for ALL communities by 2021.  If practical, internet services should also be delivered municipally.

To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.

To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jobs & the Economy
  3. Education & Young People
  4. Housing & Utilities
  5. Strengthening Communities
  6. Health & Social Care





Stirling Council Manifesto 2017 – Education and Young People

We all want the next generation to have more opportunities than the one before.  Access to education for all is one of Stirling Labour’s four main principles and we have achieved much in the last five years in Administration, despite the great financial challenges from continued Tory / SNP austerity.  We will continue to provide opportunities for all, with a key focus on providing opportunities for our children and young people.  Since 2012, Stirling’s Labour led administration has: 

BUILT new primary schools in St Ninians and Cowie.

BUILT new nursery schools in Cowie & Cornton.

INTRODUCED 600 hours of FREE pre-school childcare across the district.  Labour ensured Stirling Council was the first in the country to achieve this.

INTRODUCED the THRIVE project, helping increase knowledge, skills and confidence for parents in our communities.

SUPPORTED Raploch’s “Big Noise” orchestra.

ENCOURAGED the sharing of innovative practices and ideas among teachers.

SUPPORTED the “Daily Mile” initiative at St Ninians Primary and watched it gain national recognition and practice.

INCREASED allowances for footwear and clothing for children who need it the most.

INCREASED the number of modern apprentice places offered at Stirling Council.

SUPPORTED young people in our care with HR coaching and support in applying for internships, apprentices and college places, through a support system delivered by Stirling Council staff.

In the next five years we will:

PROMOTE financial literacy in our schools by working in partnership with the third sector and credit unions to promote savings accounts to all secondary school pupils.

PROTECT the number of quality support staff in our schools.

DOUBLE the number of free pre-school childcare hours.

PROMOTE school breakfast clubs and our school meals service.  No child should have to start the school day hungry.  Children who eat better, learn better.  Stirling’s school meal provision is excellent and deserves recognition and protection.

WORK with childminders, nurseries, parents and carers to ensure access to free pre-school childcare is mindful of the needs of families.

INVEST in transitional support into Higher and Further Education for our school leavers.

INTRODUCE a Stirling Youth Guarantee – a guarantee of help towards a positive destination for all 16 and 17 year olds.

ESTABLISH a local skills forum, where schools, skills providers and employers can work together on training and jobs.

INVEST in our school estate, ensuring the learning environment is fit for purpose.

BUILD new schools and nurseries where needed and when funds allow.

CREATE a food waste strategy to educate young people on food waste.

BUILD on the success of the Daily Mile to innovate and support different and simple ways to keep our children moving and fit.

DEVELOP a digital strategy to ensure Stirling’s children and young people are learning the skills needed for jobs in the digital economy we will create through the City Deal and partnership with tech incubators such as Codebase.

LEARN from the success of the Big Noise and seek to make comparable opportunities available to more children in more communities.

A Labour-led Administration will POVERTY PROOF the school day, ensuring every child has the support they need to learn. We also need to tackle digital poverty, which affects young people’s ability to undertake some aspects of school work. 

To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.

To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jobs & the Economy
  3. Education & Young People
  4. Housing & Utilities
  5. Strengthening Communities
  6. Health & Social Care







Stirling Council Manifesto 2017 – Jobs & the Economy

We all want a good job with fair pay and fair conditions.  Since coming to lead the Council in 2012, Stirling Labour has worked hard to bring new jobs and opportunities to Stirling.  Stirling Labour has:

SECURED a CITY DEAL and are negotiating with the UK and Scottish Governments to bring upwards of £600 million to the area for jobs and infrastructure.

WELCOMED Codebase, the UK’s largest business tech incubator, to Stirling.

FORGED a partnership with THE ROBERTSON TRUST to create an exciting third sector hub at Forthside.

MADE Stirling Council an accredited Living Wage Employer.

ENCOURAGED Stirling Council’s suppliers to pay the Living Wage.

INTRODUCED 600 hours of pre-school childcare, helping Stirling’s families to make the career decisions that are right for them.  We were the first Council in Scotland to do this.

In the next 5 years, a Labour-led Administration will ensure Stirling is a beacon for the country’s top employers as we seek to bring more and better jobs across the district.  We will:

DELIVER the multi-million pound CITY DEAL and ensure the benefits are felt across every community.

INVEST in a digital infrastructure by rolling out a gigabit internet connection across the city.

CHALLENGE the Scottish Government to introduce minimum guaranteed internet speeds across the district.

SUPPORT the introduction of Business Improvement Districts wherever there is a demand.

INVEST in the shopping precincts around the district to improve the shopping experience.

LEAD THE WAY by ensuring Stirling Council sets the standard we want all organisations to aspire to. We want Stirling to be a Living Wage Region.

PROMOTE Stirling to employers around the world and help them to locate in Stirling.

CHANNEL Stirling Council resources towards supporting the LOCAL economy.

INNOVATE in our thinking to ensure Stirling is prepared for the economic challenges ahead.

CHAMPION ethical business thinking.  From cooperatives, social enterprises and community interest companies, to third sector organisations and community led charities providing existing services in new ways.

WORK towards making Stirling the first GOOD FOOD City in Scotland, helping our farmers and food producers flourish.

  • In 2012 Stirling Labour instructed Stirling Council never to privatise Council run services.  We reaffirm that commitment.
  • We want Stirling to be more than a “must visit” destination;  we want Stirling to be a “must stay” destination with heritage, culture, landscape, tourism and business working hand in hand to ensure visitors stay for a minimum of two nights/three days . We commit to ensuring our cultural and economic policies will be mindful of the concept of A THREE DAY STIRLING.
  • A Labour-led Administration will champion a local economy focused on DIGITAL, ETHICAL, INNOVATION, TOURISM and FOOD.

To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.

To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jobs & the Economy
  3. Education & Young People
  4. Housing & Utilities
  5. Strengthening Communities
  6. Health & Social Care




Stirling Council Manifesto 2017

You can download a PDF copy of our manifesto here.

The Labour Party always has and always will work hard for the people and the communities around Stirling District.  Our vision for Stirling is that everybody should have:

  • A good job
  • A warm home
  • A caring community
  • An excellent education

These are the four core principles that drive everything we do, underpinned by a drive and determination to see equality and opportunity for all.  Labour will always stand up for Stirling.  Labour will always deliver for Stirling.  Labour are the only party with a vision for Stirling’s future and a track record of success in the past.

This is a critical time for Stirling.  Council budgets are under constant attack from an indifferent SNP Government and an uncaring Tory Westminster Government.  By 2021, £47 million pounds will have been lost to Stirling through SNP/Tory austerity.   But we are also on the brink of a once in a generation opportunity; Labour have brokered a City Deal, bringing up to £600 million pounds for jobs and infrastructure in the coming years.

Over the last five years, Labour’s prudent financial management has helped Stirling weather the austerity storm.  We are poorer, but for now, we are in a stable financial position.  Labour have the determination to deliver for Stirling, not lose focus on referendums.

A Labour-led administration will work tirelessly to create good jobs, warm homes, caring communities and excellent education opportunities for all.

If Stirling is Alive With Scotland, then Labour is Alive With Stirling.  We have a vision for Stirling.  In this document, let’s look at how we’re going to get there together.

To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.

To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jobs & the Economy
  3. Education & Young People
  4. Housing & Utilities
  5. Strengthening Communities
  6. Health & Social Care

spikey bridge



Stirling Council Manifesto 2017 – Health & Social Care

Health and wellbeing is dependent on many factors: having a job, living in a good house, being able to heat your home as well as a good education all contribute to improved health and wellbeing. In the last five years, Labour has delivered:

A NEW CARE VILLAGE for Stirling, due to open in 2018.  This £35 million development will transform the way services are delivered by bringing a wide range of health, social care, training and GP services together in one location.

HELPED older people live in their own homes for as long as possible by focusing on reablement instead of long term residential care where practicable.

WORKED in partnership with other agencies to make Stirling a more dementia friendly city.

ENSURED all care staff working with Stirling Council are paid the Living Wage.

INVESTED in high quality reablement support at Beech Gardens and Allan Lodge, with more facilities planned for the Stirling Care Village.

FOCUSED on systems that allow care staff to spend the maximum time with the people in their care.

SUPPORTED unpaid carers through partnership working with Stirling Carers’ Centre, Young Carers and other third sector organisations.

In the next five years Labour will:

ENSURE people live in their own homes for as long as is possible by increasing the availability of care services.

PROTECT budgets for adaptations in homes, such as showers, ramps and stairlifts, to aid independent living.

EXPAND access to respite time and facilities for family and friend carers to safeguard their own health and wellbeing.

WORK with partner organisations to ensure that staff are paid the Living Wage and provided with proper training and conditions to ensure good quality care.

ENSURE services are available across the entire district.

INVEST in Social Care and protect services from the worst of Tory and SNP austerity cuts.

FOCUS on making progress on accessibility to buildings, and making streets and pavements suitable, for people with disabilities.

CONTINUE to improve social care services in order to reduce bed blocking and allow more people to be treated at home or in a homely setting.

COMMIT to making Stirling a Dementia Friendly City and District.

Be INCLUSIVE with older people and those with disabilities through dialogue when setting policy.

CHAMPION the rights of young people in our care by encouraging their participation in policy making and issues that directly affect them.

SUPPORT foster and kinship carers with financial assistance and access to relevant resources.

ENSURE mental health is on an equal footing as physical health in all council programmes and initiatives.

HELP people manage their own mental and physical health by promoting and resourcing community led opportunities and activities.

To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.

To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:

  1. Introduction
  2. Jobs & the Economy
  3. Education & Young People
  4. Housing & Utilities
  5. Strengthening Communities
  6. Health & Social Care




SNP and Tories accused of backroom election deals

Stirling SNP has been accused of striking a backroom deal with the Tories to put themselves in power after the Council elections on May 4th.

SNP candidates are as desperate to conquer Stirling as Edward II was in 1314.  Stirling Labour say this means the SNP is likely to consider a coalition with the Tories.

Despite the most unlikely relationship since Beauty met the Beast, this is a tale as old as time. The SNP have a history of casting their principles aside, with recent Tory/SNP coalitions on East Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway and a Tory/SNP pact at Holyrood after Alex Salmond reached out for help in 2007.

A Stirling Labour spokesperson said,

“There is a sinister genius to this SNP plan.  A Tory/SNP coalition could screw up education, social care, libraries, bin collections and more, and then blame each other. ‘It Wis’nae Me’ would replace ‘hello’ as the greeting of choice for the Snories.”

The SNP has been a conveyor belt for Tory austerity cuts.   Like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, these political siblings were separated at birth. But in this political tragedy, they’ve taken on characteristics of their father, Darth Vader.

'The farce is strong with this one" said a Darth Vader shaped pumpkin
‘The farce is strong with this one” said a Darth Vader shaped pumpkin

Anyway, if you’ve got to this point, thanks for sticking with us.  Quite a few people stopped after the first sentence and started screaming like Chewbacca when Han Solo got shot (Look out for “Labour Spoil Star Wars Plot” on SNP website soon).

This is our tongue and cheek response to a local SNP website story saying there’s been deals done at Viewforth.  There really hasn’t.  But the SNP need to keep your attention away from their dismal failure in past Administrations at Viewforth and their non-existent vision for Stirling’s future.

Your Labour-led Stirling Council has been fighting for workers’ rights (we made Stirling Council a Living Wage Employer), building warm homes (we’ve created 300 council homes since 2012), supporting Care Services (an extra £1.8 million this year and the new Stirling Care Village next year), creating jobs (up to £600 million for a City Region Deal) and much, much more.

If voters decide that no one party should have overall control at Viewforth, then all parties have a responsibility to work for the good of Stirling.  On rural issues, the Tories & SNP already work hand in hand.  A Tory/SNP coalition is a real possibility. Stirling works for everybody when Labour is in power.  We’ll be publishing our manifesto next week and we’re really excited by the commitments it contains. The only way to ensure Labour values of equality and opportunities for all is to VOTE LABOUR on 4th May.

Thanks for reading!  And sorry for the Star Wars spoiler.

Labour to explore creation of new Municipal Energy Company for Stirling

IMGP0548Stirling Labour’s manifesto will show a commitment to a new municipal energy company to help tackle fuel poverty and to help promote local energy production.   The Labour led administration has already installed 1500 solar panels on council house roofs, helping tenants reduce their annual bills by up to £300.  Labour’s plan would see a new municipal-led organisation look at ways to generate energy through district heating systems and emerging technologies.

In Stirling East, Chris Kane and Corrie McChord are standing for election.  Chris says,

Too much of our household income is spent on heating and that needs to change.  Fuel poverty and fuel security are only going to get worse if we rely on fossil fuels and national grids to generate and deliver our energy.    There are some exciting and innovative energy production methods emerging that can be achieved at community level and we need to support and develop them.  Labour want Stirling’s communities to have cheaper bills with costs fixed for longer periods.  We want profits reinvested in our communities and we want our environment protected.  Stirling Council have the clout and the scale to kick start a local energy revolution and a Labour-led administration would get it done.”  

Under the Labour-led administration, Stirling Council has already invested £8m on solar PV and has committed to invest a further £4.25m over the next two years on installations on another 1200 properties.

In Stirling North, Danny Gibson and Jennifer Preston are standing for election.  Danny says,

If reelected in May, Labour will spend the next six months pursuing a municipal energy company for Stirling.  The SNP will spend the next six months making up their minds on whether to allow fracking under Stirling’s Communities.  Stirling doesn’t need another fossil fuel, but we do need to ensure it is our communities who benefit from the rise of local green energy schemes.  Labour stands for good jobs, warm homes, caring communities and great education.  A municipal energy company will bring jobs, reduce energy bills, see profits reinvested in communities and teach our children that you can put environmental responsibility at the heart of what we do.”

The commitment to a new municipal energy company is part of a range of initiatives being promised by Stirling Labour, who are fielding candidates in all seven wards across Stirling.  Labour have led Stirling Council since 2012.  Elections to Stirling Council are being held on 4th May.  Labour’s full manifesto will be unveiled soon.

Open Letter to Stirling Residents from Council Leader Johanna Boyd

Johannaboyd1Stirling Council Leader Johanna Boyd has penned an open letter to all Stirling residents on the implications of this year’s budget motion, due before all councillors on Thursday 23 February. 

Next Thursday, I will propose a budget motion at a full council meeting, my fourth budget since becoming Stirling Council Leader.  In my first three budget motions, I moved that there should be no increase in the Band D council tax level.  The 2017 budget will be no different.

But council tax is going up in 2017.  Councils can only set the rate for Band D properties, with the seven other bands set as a proportion of the Band D rate.  The SNP Government can change these proportions and this year have chosen to do so.  From April the SNP have decreed that Band E-H properties will see their bills increase by 7.5%, 12.5%, 17.5% and 22.5% respectively.

Householders who live in Band E properties will see their council tax bills increase by £110 next year.  For band F householders, the rise is £216.  In band G it is £349 and in band H it is £539.

None of your councillors had any say in this council tax rise.  Just as we have had no say in the last nine years of council tax freezes.

The SNP Government have effectively frozen council tax for a decade by threatening any council who raised it with severe financial consequences.  Can you imagine how Nicola Sturgeon would react if Theresa May said she would cut the Scottish Government’s block grant if the SNP tried to raise taxes?

Since I became Council Leader I’ve said we need a grown up conversation about local taxation.  This isn’t a conversation; this is an SNP decree that will hit families hard. The Labour Group can’t in all good conscience compound the SNP rises further which is why we’re not making changes to the Band D rate.

Finance Minister Derek Mackay had the audacity to propose reducing the block grant to councils by 3% to try and force us into making a 3% rise.  Scotland’s locally, democratically elected councillors of all political parties are accountable to their communities and they should be free to make their own decisions on council tax.

Whoever you voted for in 2012, you voted for them in the expectation that they would be able to represent you here in Stirling, not be forced to implement the wishes of SNP ministers in Edinburgh.

While most of us accept that the time has come for the council tax to rise, many have been shocked by the size of the increases they face.  Rather than modest rises over a longer period, the SNP Government have frozen rates for a decade and then suggested that it is acceptable for some families to face a 26% rise in one year.

Why didn’t the SNP bring in the increases more gradually?  Why didn’t the SNP engage with councillors (including ones from their own party) who have been telling them for years that the freeze has massively damaged council services?  Why, when Alex Salmond said in 2008 that the council tax was an unfair tax, is it still here?  Why, when the SNP repeatedly called for it to be replaced, has nothing been done in a decade?

Perhaps that’s something you can ask them when they come knocking on your door looking for votes in the run up to the council elections on May 4th.

Stirling Labour call on Bruce Crawford MSP to clarify position on SNP censorship of poverty report

Stirling’s Labour politicians have reacted angrily to the news in Tuesday’s papers that the SNP Government pressured their own Poverty Adviser into deleting criticism of SNP policies that disproportionately affect low income families.

SNP Government advisor Naomi Eisenstadt has admitted that she complied with some requests from officials to change the wording of her findings before they were released to the public last week, despite SNP claims that she is completely independent.

Jennifer Preston, Labour’s Candidate in the Stirling North ward says,

IMGP9284 (1)“It is appalling that the SNP want to censor a report that they commissioned that could help low income families.  An SNP commissioned report that said that Local Authorities provide a range of vital services and these tend to be most used and most valued by households on low incomes.  An SNP commissioned report that said any reduction in these services would be damaging for low income households and for the strength of some local communities.  It is unbelievable that SNP politicians then went on to cut hundreds of millions of pounds from Local Authority budgets.  It is flabbergasting how little regard the SNP have for people who don’t toe the party line and worse, how little regard they have for those people most affected by the cuts across the country and across Stirling, including those in Raploch, Cornton, Top of the Town and Causewayhead.”

Stirling Council Leader Johanna Boyd says,

“This is damning evidence that not only are SNP policies harming the most vulnerable in our communities, but that SNP politicians are trying to cover it up and keep the public from learning what their own appointed experts think.  Stirling MSP Bruce Crawford needs to urgently clarify what he knew of this report prior to publication and if he thinks it is acceptable to censor expert opinion in this way.  We’ve been saying for years that the SNP’s brutally unfair approach to Local Authority funding is hurting those who can least afford it and now even SNP appointed officials agree with us.  When will the SNP stop trying to blame everybody else for the cuts to local services and start listening to the experts who say it is SNP policies that are the cause of the problem.”

The SNP Government Report, “Independent Advisor on Poverty and Inequality:  Shifting the curve – a report for the First Minister” was published on 20th January and is available to view on the government website.

Welcome to the Stirling Constituency Labour Party (CLP) website

We are part of Scottish Labour, working hard to inspire, improve and empower communities all over Stirling.

We are a group of like-minded people of all ages and backgrounds who firmly believe that only Labour can deliver a fair, just and equitable society.

We host regular events where we hear from politicians, campaigners and other inspiring individuals.  We have regular – and fun! Social events, from our summer BBQ to our St Andrew’s Day Curry Night.

We work hard to elect Labour politicians to Stirling Council, the Scottish Parliament, the UK Parliament and the European Parliament.

Click on the links above for more information.