Health and wellbeing is dependent on many factors: having a job, living in a good house, being able to heat your home as well as a good education all contribute to improved health and wellbeing. In the last five years, Labour has delivered:
A NEW CARE VILLAGE for Stirling, due to open in 2018. This £35 million development will transform the way services are delivered by bringing a wide range of health, social care, training and GP services together in one location.
HELPED older people live in their own homes for as long as possible by focusing on reablement instead of long term residential care where practicable.
WORKED in partnership with other agencies to make Stirling a more dementia friendly city.
ENSURED all care staff working with Stirling Council are paid the Living Wage.
INVESTED in high quality reablement support at Beech Gardens and Allan Lodge, with more facilities planned for the Stirling Care Village.
FOCUSED on systems that allow care staff to spend the maximum time with the people in their care.
SUPPORTED unpaid carers through partnership working with Stirling Carers’ Centre, Young Carers and other third sector organisations.
In the next five years Labour will:
ENSURE people live in their own homes for as long as is possible by increasing the availability of care services.
PROTECT budgets for adaptations in homes, such as showers, ramps and stairlifts, to aid independent living.
EXPAND access to respite time and facilities for family and friend carers to safeguard their own health and wellbeing.
WORK with partner organisations to ensure that staff are paid the Living Wage and provided with proper training and conditions to ensure good quality care.
ENSURE services are available across the entire district.
INVEST in Social Care and protect services from the worst of Tory and SNP austerity cuts.
FOCUS on making progress on accessibility to buildings, and making streets and pavements suitable, for people with disabilities.
CONTINUE to improve social care services in order to reduce bed blocking and allow more people to be treated at home or in a homely setting.
COMMIT to making Stirling a Dementia Friendly City and District.
Be INCLUSIVE with older people and those with disabilities through dialogue when setting policy.
CHAMPION the rights of young people in our care by encouraging their participation in policy making and issues that directly affect them.
SUPPORT foster and kinship carers with financial assistance and access to relevant resources.
ENSURE mental health is on an equal footing as physical health in all council programmes and initiatives.
HELP people manage their own mental and physical health by promoting and resourcing community led opportunities and activities.
To download a full copy of our manifesto, click here.
To read other sections of our manifesto online, click on the links below:
- Introduction
- Jobs & the Economy
- Education & Young People
- Housing & Utilities
- Strengthening Communities
- Health & Social Care