Stirling SNP has been accused of striking a backroom deal with the Tories to put themselves in power after the Council elections on May 4th.
SNP candidates are as desperate to conquer Stirling as Edward II was in 1314. Stirling Labour say this means the SNP is likely to consider a coalition with the Tories.
Despite the most unlikely relationship since Beauty met the Beast, this is a tale as old as time. The SNP have a history of casting their principles aside, with recent Tory/SNP coalitions on East Ayrshire, Dumfries & Galloway and a Tory/SNP pact at Holyrood after Alex Salmond reached out for help in 2007.
A Stirling Labour spokesperson said,
“There is a sinister genius to this SNP plan. A Tory/SNP coalition could screw up education, social care, libraries, bin collections and more, and then blame each other. ‘It Wis’nae Me’ would replace ‘hello’ as the greeting of choice for the Snories.”
The SNP has been a conveyor belt for Tory austerity cuts. Like Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia, these political siblings were separated at birth. But in this political tragedy, they’ve taken on characteristics of their father, Darth Vader.

Anyway, if you’ve got to this point, thanks for sticking with us. Quite a few people stopped after the first sentence and started screaming like Chewbacca when Han Solo got shot (Look out for “Labour Spoil Star Wars Plot” on SNP website soon).
This is our tongue and cheek response to a local SNP website story saying there’s been deals done at Viewforth. There really hasn’t. But the SNP need to keep your attention away from their dismal failure in past Administrations at Viewforth and their non-existent vision for Stirling’s future.
Your Labour-led Stirling Council has been fighting for workers’ rights (we made Stirling Council a Living Wage Employer), building warm homes (we’ve created 300 council homes since 2012), supporting Care Services (an extra £1.8 million this year and the new Stirling Care Village next year), creating jobs (up to £600 million for a City Region Deal) and much, much more.
If voters decide that no one party should have overall control at Viewforth, then all parties have a responsibility to work for the good of Stirling. On rural issues, the Tories & SNP already work hand in hand. A Tory/SNP coalition is a real possibility. Stirling works for everybody when Labour is in power. We’ll be publishing our manifesto next week and we’re really excited by the commitments it contains. The only way to ensure Labour values of equality and opportunities for all is to VOTE LABOUR on 4th May.
Thanks for reading! And sorry for the Star Wars spoiler.